Studying China’s Political System and Foreign Relations in the heart of Beijing
Department of Political Science
Assoc. Prof. ZHANG Mengmeng


Zhang Mengmeng 
Associate Professor
Department of Political Science, School of International Relations, University of International business and Economics
Prof. Zhang graduated from the Department of Literature in Jilin University in China, and received her Master and PhD degree in the Department of Social Sciences of Loughborough University in the UK. She worked as a post-doctoral researcher in China Institute of Global Development Strategies in Central Compilation and Translation Bureau. Her research interests include New Media, National Identity, Globalization and Global Governance and Hong Kong Studies.

Office: Room 818, Chengxin Building

Undergraduate program:
International Security and Development
Master’s Program:

Theories and Methods in Political Science;
Globalization and Global Governance;
International Development.
Major Publications  
1. Constructing Identity: Political Contestations and Press Mediations
1.‘The United Kingdom in the Process of Globalization’, in Governance of Major Countries in the Globalization, Central Compilation & Translation Press, 2015;
2. ‘Same Challenges, Different Strategies’,  in Governance of Major Countries in the Globalization, Central Compilation & Translation Press, 2015;
3. “Hong Kong Identity and the Press-Politics Dynamics: A Corpus-Assisted Discourse Study”Asian Journal of CommunicationVol. 22, No.5, October 2012;
4. “Construction of Identity in Political Communication in Hong Kong”
Exploration and Free Views, 2012, No. 6;
5. “Media Construction of the Chinese National Identity: A Corpus Assisted Discourse Study on National Day‘s Report of People‘s Daily 1980-011”
Journal of Social Sciences2013, No. 6
6. “Globalization and Soft Power: The case of the UK”
People’s TribuneAugust 2012;

Research Projects
1. “Online Opinion Leaders: A Political Study”, project of National Philosophy and Social Science Fund, 2014.
2. “Political Study on New Media”, Research Project of UIBE, 2013.
3. “Media Construction of the Chinese National Identity”, project of Central Compilation and Translation Bureau. 


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