Studying China’s Political System and Foreign Relations in the heart of Beijing
Department of Political Science
Assoc. Prof. HUO Weian(Director)



Prof. Huo Weian

Associate Professor, Vice-Dean and Director of the Department of Political Science


Prof. Huo Weian’s research covers topics related to Western Political Thought, with an emphasis on Deliberative Democracy, Natural Law and the works of John Locke. He published two monographs in China and numerous scholarly articles in SSCI and CSCI journals. Prof. Huo earned a Doctoral degree in Political Theory at Peking University and has been a visiting scholar at the London School of Economics and Political Science. He teaches Selected Topics on Political Thought, An Introduction to History of Western Political Thought and Theory and Method in Political Science.  




Educational Background

2009: Doctoral Degree in Political Theory, Peking University

2007-2008: Visiting fellow in Political Theory, London School of Economics and Political Science

2004: Master Degree in Political Theory, Renmin University of China

2001: Bachelor Degree in Politics and Public Administration, Renmin University of China


Research Interests

History of Western Political Thought

Political Philosophy

Theories of Democracy




An Introduction to History of Western Political Thought;

Contemporary Western Political Thought;

Theory and Method in Political Science.



Selected Topics in Western Political Thought


Major Publications

1. “Locke’s Theory of Rights”, Beijing: The Law Press, 2011.

2. “The Techniques of Deliberative Democracy”, co-authored with Tan Huosheng and He Baogang, Beijing: Social Sciences Academic Press, 2014.

3. “A Review on Li Meng’s Natural Society,” Dushu (Reading), No. 12, 2015.

4. “Natural Law, Property, and God: On Locke’s View of Justice,” Academic Monthly, No. 7, 2015.

5. “The Deliberative Democracy of the US Federal Senate and Its Practical Dilemma,” Xuehai (The Journal of the Jiangsu Provincial Academy of Social Sciences), No. 2, 2014.

6. “Liberty and Responsibility: An Inquiry into Locke’s Thought of Civil Education,” History of Political Ideas, No. 3, 2013.

7. “The Difference of Two Concepts of Distributive Justice and the Change from One to the Other: A Book Review on Fleischacker's A Short History of Distributive Justice,” Daguan (National Interest), No. 9, Beijing: The Law Press, 2012.

8. “How to Realize Distributive Justice,” Dushu (Reading), No. 4, 2012.

9. “Faction, Democracy, and Modern Political Principles,” Daguan (National Interest), No. 5, Beijing: The Law Press, 2011.

10. “James Tully on Locke’s Doctrine of Property,” Constitutionalism and Order, Beijing: Peking University Press, 2011.

11. “From Bring the State Back In to ‘Let the Bullet Fly’,” Dushu (Reading), No. 4, 2011.

12. “John Locke and Modern Theory of Democracy,” the Journal of Renmin University of China, No. 1, 2011.

13. “Voegelin on Modernity and Its Origins,” Dushu (Reading), No. 5, 2010.

14. “The Christian Foundation of Locke’s Political Philosophy,” Xuehai (The Journal of the Jiangsu Provincial Academy of Social Sciences), No. 2, 2009.

15. “New Constitutionalism and China’s Political Science,” Journal of Gansu Institute of Public Administration, No. 5, 2008.

16. “The Legacy of the Federalist Papers: An Analysis Centering on Deliberative Democracy,” Open Times (The Journal of the Guangzhou Municipal Academy of Social Sciences), No. 4, 2004.

17. “A Book Review on Brantly Womack’s The Foundations of Mao Zedong’s Political Thought: 1917-1935,” Journal of Mao Zedong Thought and Deng Xiaoping Theory, No. 2, 2004.

18. “The Evolution of the Meaning of Three Powers and Their Interrelationship in Historical Perspective,” in Dushu (Reading), No. 6, 2003.

19. "Deliberative Democracy in the Sense of Governance Technology - Three Types of Practice and Its Enlightenment", in "China Political Consultative Conference, Theoretical Research", No. 1, 2014.

20. “An Interpretation of Political Thoughts of American Constitutionalists, from Ancient Thoughts to Modern Political Systems”, Law Press, 2008.

21. "The Dimension of Super-rationalism in Politics: A Preliminary Study of the Thoughts of American Constitutionalists", in "The Review of Political Science of China’s University", 3rd Series, Central Compilation Press, 2008.

22. " Federalist Papers and Deliberative Democracy: A Concurrent Discussion on China Issues", in "The Great Powers", No. 2, Peking University Press, 2004.


Academic Translations:

From English to Chinese:

1. Istvan Hont, “Jealousy of Trade: International Competition and the Nation-State in Historical Perspective”, Nanjing: Yilin Press, forthcoming.

2. Paul Kelly, “International Intervention in Locke’s Two Treatises of Government,” in History of Political Ideas, No. 3, 2013.

3. Eric Voegelin, “Order and History”, Vol. 1, Israel and Revelation, Nanjing: Yilin Press, 2009.

4. Eric Voegelin, “Religion and the Rise of Modernity”, Shanghai: East China Normal University Press, 2009.

5. Tan Huosheng ed., “Deliberative Democracy”, Nanjing: Jiangsu People’s Press, 2007.

6. Brantly Womack, “The Foundations of Mao Zedong’s Political Thought: 1917-1935”, Beijing: China Renmin University Press, 2006.


From Chinese to English:

Xiao Yanzhong, “Recent Mao Zedong Scholarship in China,” A Critical Introduction to Mao, edited by Timothy Cheek,Cambridge University Press, 2010, pp. 273-287.


Research Projects

  “A Research on the History of Political Ideas of Modern Western Democracy,” Project of National Philosophy and Social Science Fund, 2012.

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