Studying China’s Political System and Foreign Relations in the heart of Beijing
Student life @ SIR


Being part of a vibrant multicultural community, yet surrounded by a Chinese setting, means you will never run out of plans for your next week’s activities.

SIR is located within the UIBE’s campus in North-Eastern side of Beijing, in the proximity of the city’s 4th Ring Road, 10 kilometers from Tiananmen Square (the center of the city), 9 kilometers from Beijing Railway Station, 25 kilometers from Beijing International Airport and 8 kilometers from the foreign embassy district.

UIBE organizes monthly outing programmes in which our international students are introduced to the millennial Chinese culture through artistic programmes and active learning. Multiple lectures on Chinese calligraphy, opera, drama and martial arts are held each semester. Monthly trips are organized to famous cultural and historical landmarks in and outside Beijing. Tours to other parts of the country are normally organized during longer holidays.

Our students enjoy a wide range of in-campus sports facilities, including an Olympic-sized swimming pool, football and basketball playgrounds, tennis and badminton courts. Huibin House hosts a fully equipped gym, along with ping pong and badminton tables. Multiple sports competitions are organized each year and our international students have always been represented by an international team.

The annual UIBE Cultural Festival showcases our international students’ cultural background and willingness for multicultural dialogue.

The international students are represented by the International Students Union (ISU), organised in the framework of the UIBE Students Union. ISU organizes regular cultural and artistic activities and is sponsored by the University. The Union also functions as a link between the body of the international students and the university, helping international students to solve problems both in and out of classroom.


International students at UIBE can choose to live in or off-campus, according to their needs and preferences.

Our in-campus accommodation offer is entirely managed by UIBE’s School of International Education. We provide a wide range of accommodation options, with 4 buildings and over 500 units available.

